
tindakan utama disaat tersesat

Kemajuan tehnologi saat ini begitu pesat dan canggih, hingga memudahkan aktifitas manusia dalam segala urusan. Namun ada juga saat-saat tertentu dimana manusia tidak bisa menggunakan kecanggihan tehnologi itu sendiri. Dalam konteks ini, saya akan sedikit meng-share tentang tindakan utama yang dilakukan disaat kita tersesat di hutan, di gunung atau ditempat tidak ada sinyal. Sehingga kecanggihan telekomunikasi dan GPS (Global Positioning System) atau alat untuk mengetahui keberadaan posisi kita tidak dapat berfungsi.
Tindakan utama yang perlu dilakukan adalah STOP.
-          S : Stop (berhenti)
è Maksutnya adalah kita berhenti sejenak. Jangan meneruskan perjalanan ketika kita tersesat. Tenangkan fikiran dan hati.
-          T :  Thingking (berfikir)
è Setelah fikiran dan hati tenang, kemudian kita berfikir. Berfikir kenapa kita bisa tersesat? Ingat-ingat kembali penyebab-penyebab kenapa bisa tersesat, mulai adari awal kehilangah arah hingga ke tempat kita berada saat ini.
-          O : Observe (amati)
è Setelah kita berfikir tentang penyebabnya. Maka, selanjutnya kita melakukan pengamatan lingkungan disekitar kita berada. Dimana kita berada saat ini? Amati juga tingkat ke-berbahaya-annya. Kombinasikan juga dengan melihat kompas.
-          P : Planning (rencana)
è Rencanakan tindakan yang dilakukan selanjutnya. Hal ini tergantung pada tempat dimana kita tersesat. Gunakan kompas sebagai alat penunjuk arah, jika tidak ada gunakan matahari sebagai gantinya. Minimal untuk patokan kemana kita akan melanjutkan perjalanan. Berilah tanda-tanda disetiap tempat yang telah dilewati.

Pada dasarnya itulah yang perlu kita lakukan ketika kita tersesat di suatu tempat dimana tidak ada sinyal (alat tehnologi tidak dapat berfungsi), atau tidak ada orang yang kita temui untuk bertanya. Dan yang paling penting adalah tetap ingat kepada Tuhan sang pecipta bahwa hanya dengan bantuan Dia-lah kita akan menemukan jalan keluar.


The Differences between Method of Language Teaching and Method of Language Teaching's Approach



Diglossia is a were tied to a social statification i a certain region, so while you can say poeple are multi language in a certain area. Diglossia refers to a situation in which two different languages are spoken by the members of one community. It also applies to a situation in which members of a community speak a different dialect or derivative of the same language. The application of diglossia to such communities is the fact that one language is official or recognized, while the other is not. Even though the other language is not official, it is still widely spoken by some members of the community, in addition to the official language.

The official language is called :
·         The “high” language    -> Communities use the high language in official capacities like writing, teaching and speaking at official or formal functions.
·         The “low” language     -> The low language is the common language spoken by the members of the community in a wide variety of settings.

Example :
·         In British colony.
The official language is English (high language) -> is the main language.
The other language is Yoruba language (low language) ->for members of the Yoruba-speaking community.
·         In javanesse there are three level of diglossia
1.      High level (krama), it’s use in formal situation, or used to talk to people who are older. Ex: “Panjenengan bade dahar menapa?”
2.      Middle level (madya), it’s use in neutral situation.
Ex: “Sampeyan ajeng nedha napa?”
3.      Low level (ngoko), it’s used in relative situation.
Ex: “Kowe arep mangan opo?”
                        One of the effects of diglossia is the way in which it serves as a tool for interpersonal communication and social classification. The low language is almost always relegated to the background and is considered less important that the high language. Those who are proficient in the low language may be considered illiterate or of a lower social class if they do not understand or know how to speak the high language.
Bilingualism is the ability to speak two languages and the use of two languages, as in a community (the habitual use of two languages). The more people that have capacity and facility two language, and learn more than two language. It’s called multilanguage (the ability to speak more than two languages.
Bilingualism exists as a possession of an individual. It is also possible to talk about bilingualism as a characteristic of a group or community of people or country. Bilingualism consists of two different languages; the main (first) language and second laguage.
The example of bilingualism:
·         In India
The main language is Hindi language.
The second language is English language.
·         In Indonesia
The main language is Indonesia language.
The second language is culture language.

There are many advantages of bilingualism;
·         Being able to learn new words easily
·         Being able to use information in new ways
·         Putting words into categories
·         Coming up with solutions to problems
·         Good listening skills
·         Connecting with others  cultures, other people and other points of view
·         More precocious readers, and generally find it easier to learn other languages, and more.

1.      Diglossia -> the same language but different dialect.
2.      Dialect is a form of a language spoken in a particular geographical area or by members of a particular social class or occupational group, distinguished by its vocabulary, grammar, and pronunciation.

3.      Bilingualism -> the ability to speak two languages, consist of two different language.

How to Set Language Teaching and Learning

Learning a foreign language is a process of learning a language that is not our native language. In this context is the English language. Learner are not necessarily able to learn a English language in a short time. Due to each of the learners there are several factors which influence in learning English language​​. As a language teachers, we are expected to be able to teach a foreign language to students properly, and the more importantly, is every teacher should have a way in facilitate students in learning a foreign language. There are some tehniques in teaching language to the learner:
1.     Identify the student difficulties in learning the language.
First, before teaching the language to students, a teacher is recommended to identify the student’s difficulties in learning language. In general, students view learning English is difficult and tedious. They tend to be lazy and stay away from this lesson. To handle this case is create a classroom atmosphere became so cozy, enjoy and cheerful with games, new methods, and humorous stories. So, in the future, students will be easy to learn a English language.

2.     Using methods or techniques that are easily to understand by students.
Usually, a teacher was frustrated with the ability of his students, because he hopes too high, but the results are so far from the expectations. Preferably, don’t expect too high to our students, remain to enjoy in teaching materials and do n’t care about material pursuit. If we continue being chased by a target material which is actually higher, of course the students will be stressed and not getting any learning.
There are many methods for teaching English languages ​​to students, should a teacher using an easy, simple and uncomplicated methods. Also use the methods of games, interesting stories and the other, then the desire of students to learn English will be appear.

3.     Asks the students to practice their English.
After study the English materials. The students are expected to apply it, such as in the form of reading, writing, speaking or hearing, depending on the material that they have learned. It can be applied in the form of tasks. So, what has been learned by the students will not go away.

4.     Motivation.

A teacher is not teaching materials only, but also as a motivator for students. This is a very important role in terms of teaching and learning. Because the students is really need the motivation to always continue their studying.